FSU Foundation

FSU Foundation Zoom Backgrounds

Custom Zoom backgrounds for your conference calls, presentations, or online classes

How to use the backgrounds: Right-click on any of the images below and choose "Save Image As" to save it to your computer. Open your Zoom meeting, click the up arrow next to "Stop Video" and select “Choose Virtual Background.” Click the “+” next to Choose Virtual Background to upload your image and set your background! Don't forget to uncheck the "Mirror my video" box option under Video Settings.

Foundation building
Diversity statue
Heritage Tower
The half of knowledge
Landis Green
Westcott/Ruby Diamond
Westcott Towers in spring
Westcott Building
Renegade statue

Custom Zoom video backgrounds for your conference calls, presentations, or online classes

How to use the video backgrounds: Click on any of the images below, then click on three vertical dots at the bottom right and choose "download" to save it to your computer. Open your Zoom settings, choose "Backgrounds and filters. Then click the "+" to add video backgrounds to the gallery. Highlight chosen video to select as your background. Don't forget to uncheck the "Mirror my video" box option under Video Settings.

Westcott fountain and stone bench
Legacy Fountain close-up
Legacy Fountain
Legacy Fountain with Strozier in background
Suwanee Arcade with elephant ears (plants)
Westcott towers and Spanish moss in breeze
Westcott Fountain and flags